Thursday, May 5, 2011

Movement For Self Esteem . . . IT GET's BETTER!

I DVR one of my favorite shows Glee, and right before I was about to fast forward thru the commercials, Bullied For Being "Gay" flashed before my eyes.

I began to watch the commercial and my sheets instantly became stained from my tears.

"It Get's Better" . . . Those three words, are Powerful, Influential, Significant and should be Celebrated!

At 32 years young, I find it quite difficult to sometimes conceptualize the fact that it really does Get Better.

I tried to take my life time and time again, yet, I'm still here.

So today I want to take a moment and let any person who perhaps have lost their way, or feel their just drifting in the wind, know that you are loved, you are worthy, and that your beauty should be used as a source of confidence because  . . . It Truly Does Get Better!

Love Always,


Side Bar: For more information about "It's Get's Better Project"... Please visit

It just may change your life!

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