Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blog Locked?
Wanna remain on Google Blogger?

Here is the inside procedure for trying to get your blog unlocked.

  1. Click "Request Unlock Review" under your locked blog from your Dashboard.
  2. Wait two days.  Click "Request Unlock Review" daily until you get a new form with a word verification fill-in on the bottom.  Complete word verification form and submit.
  3. Wait two days.  Go to Blogger Help, Blogger Forums,  Something is Broken, and create an entry requesting that your blog be unlocked.  YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR BLOG'S URL ADDRESS.  Also mention that you have completed the Word Verification form in your unlock request.
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until your blog is unlocked.

This can take a week or longer.  Took me six weeks.

The secret to the procedure is step #3 which does not appear in anything blogger sends you once your blog is locked.  Steps 1 & 2 alone will accomplish NOTHING.  Also, you must proceed in the order above.

Information provided by Daddy's boy, blogger of locked blog A Collection of Men.  The following link will show you how deadly serious The Powers That Be (as Daddy's boy uses) are. 

No doggie do-do (thanks again, dennis), folks, you do it their way or else.  By the way, mind reading classes are now offered by Google Blogger so you can learn about step #3 which they never tell you.


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